What is a Slot?
A narrow opening or hole, as in a keyway in machinery, a slit in a screen, or a slot for coins in a vending machine. Also used figuratively: a position or period in a sequence or schedule: I have an appointment scheduled for 2 PM.
In a casino, the location of a machine: Often based on past performance, machines near the end of a row pay out more frequently than those in the middle or at the back. It’s not necessarily true, however, that the ‘due’ machines will hit soon — all slots are controlled by random number generators, which means that every spin is equally likely to be a winner or loser.
The part of a computer or game that holds a disk, tape, or other media: A disk drive is commonly called a slot, and a tape deck a spool. A spool is usually held in place by a spring-loaded shaft that can slide up or down through the slot.
LinguisticsA morpheme-grouping function within a construction: The word “pretty” fits the first slot in our dictionary, but not the second.
In dialog engine, you can use regular expressions (regex) to map slot types to specific values in utterances. To do this, click Add Slot Type in the left pane and select the slot type you want to customize. Then click the Synonyms field and enter one or more synonyms for that slot type, as appropriate. Dialog Engine will recognize these synonyms when the slot is triggered and apply them accordingly.